
  • 3 Tips For Choosing Life Insurance

    While most people don't want to think about leaving friends and family behind, your untimely death can mean financial hardship for your loved ones. A life insurance policy offers a way to protect your family after you die. Life insurance can pay for your home, college, and other vital expenses. In addition, having a life insurance policy means having peace of mind. However, finding the right life insurance can be challenging.
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  • How Familiar Are You With Your Home Insurance Policy?

    Does your homeowners' insurance policy provide you with coverage in the event of a flood? You may be surprised to learn that unless you have purchased additional flood insurance, the answer to this question is typically no. You may also be surprised to learn that while most standard home insurance policies do not offer flood protection, they do offer protection for your cell phone. If you are not quite as familiar with your homeowners' insurance policy as you thought you were, don't feel bad.
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  • Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Or Renewing An Auto Insurance Policy

    A car is a large investment that requires protection at all costs. Purchasing an auto insurance policy is one of the best ways you can protect your car. Besides, most states require car owners to have an automobile policy. You risk jail time or hefty fines if you don't have an auto insurance policy.  As much as insurance is essential, you should be careful not to make any mistakes. Here are some of the blunders people make when buying auto insurance.
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  • 4 Benefits of Carrying a Renter's Insurance Policy

    When you rent an apartment or home, it is still essential to protect yourself with the proper insurance. Renter's insurance is affordable on a month-to-month basis and can provide you with a wide range of benefits. Protects Your Personal Belongings When you rent a home, you are not responsible for taking care of the structure of the building. Your landlord's property insurance covers that. However, it doesn't cover the things you have inside of the building.
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  • What Is Open Enrollment And What Should You Check?

    If you have recently turned 26 and are a bit new to insurance, there is a lot to learn. One thing that you need to be aware of and looking forward to is your next open enrollment period. This is true whether you are on government or employer-sponsored insurance. Each year (usually towards the end of the year) you will have the opportunity to investigate different insurance plans and compare them with your own.
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  • 3 Reasons Why You Should Choose an Independent Auto Insurance Agent

    Working with an independent auto insurance agent is a better way of optimizing your chances of getting a reliable auto insurance company to work with. An independent auto insurance agent will help you source well-thought-after insurance packages that will meet your needs perfectly. Here are some reasons why you should consider choosing an independent car insurance agent. 1. They Offer a Wide Range of Choices An independent auto insurance agent represents several auto insurance companies offering a wide variety of coverage options and price points.
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  • Planning To Buy A New Car? 5 Car Insurance Tips For First Time Buyers

    Owning a car has numerous benefits — it's more convenient than using public transport and saves you time. But car ownership comes with some financial responsibilities, including car insurance. Most car buyers know that they need to buy car insurance, but amid the excitement of owning a brand-new car, you may not do your research as carefully as you should. When purchasing your first car, finding the right auto insurance can be a daunting task.
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  • Want Cheap Car Insurance? Don't Be Fooled By These Myths About Inexpensive Coverage

    Car insurance may be a necessary expense, but there is never a need to pay more than what you should for good coverage. Even though cheap car insurance is out there, many people allow several myths to get in the way of seeking auto insurance at a lower rate. Myth: Cheap car insurance usually means lacking coverage. While cheaper car insurance may mean you have less coverage, paying less does not always mean you don't have a good policy that covers most incidents.
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  • 4 Simple Ways To Expedite Your Car Insurance Claim

    A car accident can happen at any time; if you're ever involved in an accident, you should be able to rely on your auto insurance carrier to pay for your covered expenses. This may include anything from physical damage to your car or property to medical bills and lost wages resulting from your injuries. Even with the right coverage, however, the process of settling an auto insurance claim can often be long and drawn-out.
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  • Important Home Insurance Terms Homeowner Should Know

    When you are in the market for home insurance, you may hear a lot of terms and acronyms being thrown around. These terms are often confusing unless you've done your research or are familiar with insurance. To ensure you are getting the coverage you need and know what you are purchasing, you should be familiar with some of these major home insurance terms. ACV (Actual Cash Value) ACV refers to the market value of your losses minus any depreciation.
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